The Bridge Youth is committed to meeting the needs of youth within our church and community. They have some amazing events planned for 2015. The Bridge meets every Friday from 8:00 pm-9:30pm.
The Bridge Youth also has offers the following programs for kids: Kids Choir. They sing on youth Sundays, and The Bridge Kids Program, which meets monthly on the 3rd Friday.
Christian Education
Our Christian Education Department and Bible Studies, engage children and adults in meaningful dialogue and study of the Bible. We embrace the challenge of equipping our students for life every week by teaching the Word of God and deepening their daily application of its contents. We invite you to be a part of our Christian Education classes where learning is fun and engaging all!
Christian Education: Every Sunday at 10:30 am
Bible Studies :Every Thursdays at 8pm
Prayer meeting takes place every Tuesday at 8pm. We are available for in-home and hospital prayers.
Young Women of Excellence
The Young Women of Excellence (YWOE) program supports young ladies ages 7-16. They meet bi-monthly on the 2nd Saturday. Meetings rotate between informative seminars/workshops such as “Dealing with Peer Pressure and field trips, such as roller skating and Loblaw cooking classes.
Men’s Ministry
Men’s ministry meets every 3rd Monday at 7:30pm -9:30 pm. This program provides men within our community with an outlet for fellowship and growth both spiritually and physically
Women’s Ministry
The goal is to bring ladies together for fellowship and
growth; to strengthen and encourage them to reach their full potential in God. Our deliveries are interspersed with life experiences which happen to be the greatest avenue of ministry along with, Seminars and other community involvements.
Food Bank
The Grace Food Bank has been in operation for over 10 years. We distribute food and clothing to West Mississauga, and South Brampton. Grace Food Bank operates every Friday from 6:00-8:00pm and the last Saturday of each month from 11:00 am-1:00pm.
Care Ministry
Providing opportunities for visitors and regular attenders to feel welcome and at home while visiting Grace.
905-501-8958 |
Mississauga ON L4Z 1R9
905-501-8958 |